WPF C# Tutorial – Create a Flappy Bird Game in Visual Studio

Full Source Code for WPF C# Flappy Bird Game

Below the is the full source for the flappy bird game, make sure you have the spelling corrected for the code and take your time typing it up. Its ok to copy some of it but it will not help you with your understanding of the process or the commands. We aim to make simple and quick tutorials that can help you broaden your understanding in technical subjects such as programming. Let us know how you get on with it. Until then Moo Out.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;

using System.Windows.Threading; //add this for the timer

namespace Flappy_Bird_Game
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class MainWindow : Window

        // create a new instance of the timer class called game timer
        DispatcherTimer gameTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
        // new gravity integer hold the vlaue 8
        int gravity = 8;
        // score keeper
        double score;
        // new rect class to help us detect collisions
        Rect FlappyRect;
        // new boolean for checking if the game is over or not
        bool gameover = false;

        public MainWindow()

            // set the default settings for the timer
            gameTimer.Tick += gameEngine; // link the timer tick to the game engine event
            gameTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20); // set the interval to 20 miliseconds

            // run the start game function


        private void Canvas_KeyisDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            // if the space key is pressed
            if (e.Key == Key.Space)
                // rotate the bird image to -20 degrees from the center position
                flappyBird.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform(-20, flappyBird.Width / 2, flappyBird.Height / 2);
                // change gravity so it will move upwards
                gravity = -8;
            if (e.Key == Key.R && gameover == true)
                // if the r key is pressed AND game over boolean is set to true
                // run the start game function

        private void Canvas_KeyisUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            // if the keys are released then we will change the rotation of the flappy bird to 5 degrees from the center
            flappyBird.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform(5, flappyBird.Width / 2, flappyBird.Height / 2);
            // change the gravity to 8 so the bird will go downwards and not up
            gravity = 8;

        private void startGame()
            // this is the start game function 
            // this function will load all of the default values to start this game

            // first make a temp integer with the value 200
            int temp = 200;

            // set score to 0
            score = 0;
            // set the flappy bird top position to 100 pixels
            Canvas.SetTop(flappyBird, 100);
            // set game over to false
            gameover = false;

            // the loop below will simply check for each image in this game and set them to their default positions
            foreach (var x in MyCanvas.Children.OfType<Image>())
                // set obs1 pipes to its default position
                if (x is Image && (string)x.Tag == "obs1")
                    Canvas.SetLeft(x, 500);
                // set obs2 pipes to its default position
                if (x is Image && (string)x.Tag == "obs2")
                    Canvas.SetLeft(x, 800);
                // set obs3 pipes to its default position
                if (x is Image && (string)x.Tag == "obs3")
                    Canvas.SetLeft(x, 1000);
                // set the clouds to its default position
                if (x is Image && (string)x.Tag == "clouds")
                    Canvas.SetLeft(x, (300 + temp));
                    temp = 800;

            // start the main game timer


        private void gameEngine(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // this is the game engine event linked to the timer

            // first update the score text label with the score integer
            scoreText.Content = "Score: " + score;

            // link the flappy bird image to the flappy rect class
            FlappyRect = new Rect(Canvas.GetLeft(flappyBird), Canvas.GetTop(flappyBird), flappyBird.Width -12, flappyBird.Height - 6);

            // set the gravity to the flappy bird image in the canvas
            Canvas.SetTop(flappyBird, Canvas.GetTop(flappyBird) + gravity);

            // check if the bird has either gone off the screen from top or bottom
            if (Canvas.GetTop(flappyBird) + flappyBird.Height > 490 || Canvas.GetTop(flappyBird) < -30)
                // if it has then we end the game and show the reset game text
                gameover = true;
                scoreText.Content += "   Press R to Try Again";

            // below is the main loop, this loop will go through each image in the canvas
            // if it finds any image with the tags and follow the instructions with them

            foreach (var x in MyCanvas.Children.OfType<Image>())
                if ((string)x.Tag == "obs1" || (string)x.Tag == "obs2" || (string)x.Tag == "obs3")

                    // if we found an image with the tag obs1,2 or 3 then we will move it towards left of the scree

                    Canvas.SetLeft(x, Canvas.GetLeft(x) - 5);

                    // create a new rect called pillars and link the rectangles to it
                    Rect pillars = new Rect(Canvas.GetLeft(x), Canvas.GetTop(x), x.Width, x.Height);

                    // if the flappy rect and the pillars rect collide
                    if (FlappyRect.IntersectsWith(pillars))
                        // stop the timer, set the game over to true and show the reset text
                        gameover = true;
                        scoreText.Content += "   Press R to Try Again";


                // if the first layer of pipes leave the scene and go to -100 pixels from the left
                // we need to reset the pipe to come back again
                if ((string)x.Tag == "obs1" && Canvas.GetLeft(x) < -100)
                    // reset the pipe to 800 pixels
                    Canvas.SetLeft(x, 800);
                    // add 1 to the score
                    score = score + .5;

                // if the second layer of pipes leave the scene and go to -200 pixels from the left
                if ((string)x.Tag == "obs2" && Canvas.GetLeft(x) < -200)
                    // we set that pipe to 800 pixels
                    Canvas.SetLeft(x, 800);
                    // add 1 to the score
                    score = score + .5;
                // if the third layer of pipes leave the scene and go to -250 pixels from the left
                if ((string)x.Tag == "obs3" && Canvas.GetLeft(x) < -250)
                    // we set the pipe to 800 pixels
                    Canvas.SetLeft(x, 800);
                    // add 1 to the score
                    score = score + .5;


                // if find any of the images with the clouds tag on it
                if ((string)x.Tag == "clouds")
                    // then we will slowly move the cloud towards left of the screen
                    Canvas.SetLeft(x, Canvas.GetLeft(x) - .6);

                    // if the clouds have reached -220 pixels then we will reset it
                    if (Canvas.GetLeft(x) < -220)
                        // reset the cloud images to 550 pixels
                        Canvas.SetLeft(x, 550);



2 responses to “WPF C# Tutorial – Create a Flappy Bird Game in Visual Studio”

  1. Дарья Марахова says:

    Thank you very much from Russia! You are amazing web-teacher!) I loved it!

  2. jwnolan says:

    I had some trouble because I named my project something else, but once I fixed that it worked great! Great tutorial!