C# Tutorial – Create a Save The Eggs Item Drop Game in Visual Studio
- Subject: C# Tutorials
- Learning Time: 3 hours
In this tutorial we will show you how to create a Item Drop game. The idea for this game is for the player to control an object in bottom of the screen and for items to drop from top of the screen. The player will be able to move left and right and player will also be able to catch the items drop from the drop. Play scores if they catch an item and scores deduct if they miss. The also will have speed up function where after a certain amount of points the drops will become faster this making the game more challenging. We will be using Visual Studio and C# programming language to create this game. All the assets are created for this game and you can download them below. You can change the graphics to suit your own design but for us we thought it would be funny to make a save the eggs theme item drop game. You get the idea let’s get started.
Updated – New Tutorial – Create a item drop style game with WPF and C# – Save the Presents in visual studio
Lesson Objectives-
- Using Visual Studio Windows Components such as Picture Boxes, Labels and Timers
- Using the Random Class to generate random numbers and assigning them to object locations
- Using multiple events in Visual Studio
- Speed up game once a condition has been met
- Keep score for catches and misses
- Animate object once the item is missed
- Creating restart functions for the game
Video Tutorial:
Download the Game Assets for Save The Eggs Project
Start Visual Studio, Start a new project. Under the C# language, choose Windows Form Application. Name the project save the eggs and click ok.
This is the new empty form
Now while the form is selected, go to the properties window and change the following settings for the form.
Back Color – 255, 192, 128 — this is a dark orange colour for the game.
Size – 628, 741
Text – Save the Eggs MOOICT
This is the result. This will be our game canvas. We will need to add the following components to this form.
Before we begin adding the components we need to import our resources to this project.
Under the solutions explorer, expand the properties option and you see resources. Now double click on resources window.
From the Add Resource Drop down click on Add Existing File
Select all the images and click open
Now all the game assets been imported to the project.
Make sure you save the project at this point.
Now lets go back to adding components to the game.
Open the Tool Box and start adding the following components, if the tool box isn’t present then go to View – Tool Box
Add 2
Place them top of the screen as followed
Now change the text for the following labels
These two will be used show how many eggs we caught and how many we missed.
Now add 4 picture boxes to the screen place them as followed
4 picture boxes been placed on the screen. The top 3 picture boxes will be the eggs and bottom picture will be the chicken.
Select the all 3 picture boxes from the top. You can drag and select all 3
Look in the properties window and change the following
Size Mode – Stretch Image
Tag – Eggs
Under the Image option click on the 3 dots and this window will come up
Size – 54, 66
Pick the egg image and click OK.
Yep them are some tasty looking eggs, let’s move on.
Now for the chicken. Click on the bottom picture and change the following to the properties window.
(Name) – chicken
Image – chicken_normal2
Size – 93, 83
Size Mode – Stretch Image
Now lets add a timer object to the game
Drag and drop the timer to the form and change the following to its properties
Change the name to gameTimer, set enabled to True and change the interval to 20.
Adding Events
Adding the Key down and Key Up event
Click on the form make sure nothing else is selected other than the form itself
In the properties window there is a lightning bolt icon, that icon means the events manager. All the events we will need to add are there, click on that image and it will bring up the
We are looking for two events, key down and key up
Inside the key down event type – keyisdown and press enter
Inside the key up event type – keyisup and press enter
Both of these actions will take you to the code view but you can always use the top tabs to come back to the design view.
Form1.CS is the codes for the game, resources we had open before and Form1.CS [Design] is the game canvas screen
Adding event to the game timer
Now click on the game timer and in the properties window, check the events manager
You will see a Tick event, the timer only has one event. Type gameTick and press enter
Now we have all the events for this game.
This is what the code view looks like thus far.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace SavetheEggs { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void keyisdown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { } private void keyisup(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { } private void gameTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { } } }
We need to add a game reset function here. This function will run when the game starts and if the player wants to play the game again when the level is over.
This will be a custom function, we will have to create it ourselves. Check below
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace SavetheEggs { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void keyisdown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { } private void keyisup(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { } private void gameTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void reset() { } } }
So far we have the empty functions and events. Now we need to start adding the variables and instruction to the game.
These will go before public Form1() line.
// this green text in the code are comments, we are using them to help you understand the code better and they are good practice to keep doing while programming so you know what you are writing in the code.
// each line of comment will explain what we are doing in the code, so the variables are self explained in the code.
bool goleft; // this boolean will be used to check if the player can move left bool goright; // this boolean will be used to check if the player can move right int speed = 8; // this is the default speed for the Eggs dropping int score = 0; // this is the default score value int missed = 0; // this is the default miss value Random rndY = new Random(); //this will be used to generate a random Y location Random rndX = new Random(); // this will be used to generate a random X location PictureBox splash = new PictureBox(); // create a new splash picture box, this will added dynamically
Inside the public form1 function add the following line highlighted below. The initialize component is there from the beginning because its where visual studio can load up all the buttons, text boxes and form for the application. DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE.
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); reset(); // invoke the reset game function }
This is the reset function which we created earlier, with this function we can load up all of the default values and positions in the game. At this very moment its empty but we will be filling it in soon.
Lets look into the key down function
private void keyisdown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left) { // if the left key is pressed change the go left to true goleft = true; } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right) { // if the right key is pressed change the go right to true goright = true; } }
This is the key down function as you can see we are checking if the player has pressed the LEFT or RIGHT key and if they did we change the go left or go right Boolean to true.
In the key up function it’s the reversal of these actions, lets check it out
private void keyisup(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left) { // if the left key is up then change the go left to false goleft = false; } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right) { // if the right key is up then change the go right to false goright = false; } }
So, if you look closely, we are once again checking for the left and right key only this time this event will fire up when the left or right key is up and when they are we change the go left and go right Boolean to false.
This way the chicken object won’t continuously move left or right it will only move when the player is holding the button down.
Now lets take a deep look at the game tick function. Everything that happens in this game will be instructed in this function.
private void gameTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { label1.Text = "Eggs Caught: " + score; // show the score on Eggs Caught label label2.Text = "Eggs Missed: " + missed; // Show the misses on Eggs Missed label // if the go left boolean is true AND chickens left is greater than 0 if (goleft == true && chicken.Left > 0) { // then we move the chicken 12 pixels to the left chicken.Left -= 12; //checken image will be change to the one moving left chicken.Image = Properties.Resources.chicken_normal2; } //if the go right is true AND chickens width and left is less than form width // meaning the chicken is still within the frame of the game if (goright == true && chicken.Left + chicken.Width < this.ClientSize.Width) { // move the chicken 12 pixels to the right chicken.Left += 12; // change the chicken image to the one moving right chicken.Image = Properties.Resources.chicken_normal; } //below for loop will check the eggs dropping from the top // for each Control we are calling X in this form foreach (Control X in this.Controls) { // if X is a type of picture box AND it has the tag of Eggs if (X is PictureBox && X.Tag == "Eggs") { // then move X towards the bottom X.Top += speed; // if the EGGS [X] reaches bottom of the screen if (X.Top + X.Height > this.ClientSize.Height) { // if the egg hit the floor then we show the splash image splash.Image = Properties.Resources.splash; // set the splash image splash.Location = X.Location; // splash shows up on the same location as the egg splash.Height = 59; // set the height splash.Width = 60; // set the width splash.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent; // apply transparent background to the picture box this.Controls.Add(splash); // add the splash picture to the form X.Top = rndY.Next(80, 300) * -1; // position the eggs to a random Y location X.Left = rndX.Next(5, this.ClientSize.Width - X.Width); // position the eggs to a random X location missed++; // add 1 to the missed integer chicken.Image = Properties.Resources.chicken_hurt; // change the chicken image to hurt image } // if the eggs bound with the chicken image // if both picture boxes collide if (X.Bounds.IntersectsWith(chicken.Bounds)) { X.Top = rndY.Next(100, 300) * -1; // position the eggs to a random Y location X.Left = rndX.Next(5, this.ClientSize.Width - X.Width); // position the eggs to a random X location score++; // add 1 to the score } // if the score is equals to or greater than 20 if (score >= 20) { speed = 16; // increase the eggs speed to 20 } // if the missed number is greater than 5 // we need to stop the game if (missed > 5) { gameTimer.Stop(); // stop the game timer // show the message box to say game is over. MessageBox.Show("Game Over!! We lost good Eggs" + "\r\n" + "Click OK to restart"); // once the players clicks OK we restart the game again reset(); } } } }
label1.Text = “Eggs Caught: ” + score; // show the score on Eggs Caught label
label2.Text = “Eggs Missed: ” + missed; // Show the misses on Eggs Missed label
These two lines are using the label 1 and label 2 we added earlier to the game to show the score and missed numbers on the form.
// if the go left boolean is true AND chickens left is greater than 0
if (goleft == true && chicken.Left > 0)
// then we move the chicken 12 pixels to the left
chicken.Left -= 12;
//checken image will be change to the one moving left
chicken.Image = Properties.Resources.chicken_normal2;
This if statement above is checking if the go left Boolean is true and also its checking is the chickens left axis is greater than 0 meaning if the left is -1 means the chicken is almost out of frame, by doing >0 means this chicken will always stay within the game canvas. We are basically setting the left boundary setting for the chicken. If all returns true then we move the chicken towards the left and change its image to the left facing one.
//if the go right is true AND chickens width and left is less than form width
// meaning the chicken is still within the frame of the game
if (goright == true && chicken.Left + chicken.Width < this.ClientSize.Width)
// move the chicken 12 pixels to the right
chicken.Left += 12;
// change the chicken image to the one moving right
chicken.Image = Properties.Resources.chicken_normal;
In this if statement we are doing the same thing we did for the left side but this time for the right side. Since this is a 2D game we need to make sure that the chicken cannot disappear from the game canvas. So we are checking if the go right Boolean is true and chicken left plus chicken width is less than the form width then we move the chicken and change its picture to the right facing one.
foreach (Control X in this.Controls)
The line above starts the main game loop, since there are many different objects on the screen it doesn’t make much sense to line them each, check for collision and move them back to top of the screen one by one when you can do the same thing in a loop. A loop is a productive and efficient way to problem solve in programming.
Notice the this is a for each loop meaning this loop is design to check for components inside of something inside the brackets we have created a variable X which is a type of Control or windows component in other words, we are checking for controls in this form.
By using this loop we can check for picture boxes, labels, buttons, text boxes etc. Any windows form component that is present will be found through this loop.
Import to remember about the curly brackets everything we are doing needs to be inside the main loops curly brackets.
// if X is a type of picture box AND it has the tag of Eggs
if (X is PictureBox && X.Tag == “Eggs”)
Inside the loop we have a if statement that’s checking if X is a picture box and x has a tag of EGGS. Remember we added the Eggs tags to the egg picture box earlier, this is why.
Everything we want to do with these eggs can go inside of this if statement. Remember the curly brackets
// then move X towards the bottom
X.Top += speed;
Firstly we want to drop the eggs from the top. Soon as the game starts, the loop will check the picture boxes, when it finds the ones has the Eggs tag it will start to add their speed downward.
// if the EGGS [X] reaches bottom of the screen
if (X.Top + X.Height > this.ClientSize.Height)
// if the egg hit the floor then we show the splash image
splash.Image = Properties.Resources.splash; // set the splash image
splash.Location = X.Location; // splash shows up on the same location as the egg
splash.Height = 59; // set the height
splash.Width = 60; // set the width
splash.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent; // apply transparent background to the picture box
this.Controls.Add(splash); // add the splash picture to the form
X.Top = rndY.Next(80, 300) * -1; // position the eggs to a random Y location
X.Left = rndX.Next(5, this.ClientSize.Width – X.Width); // position the eggs to a random X location
missed++; // add 1 to the missed integer
chicken.Image = Properties.Resources.chicken_hurt; // change the chicken image to hurt image
The if statement above is checking if the eggs are hitting the floor, so inside the if statement where the conditions are give we have a condition that’s checking if X.TOP + X.Height meaning the eggs top value and height of the object is greater then the forms height then we do the following
We put the splash image on the splash picture box
We assign the splash location to the X’s location
Splash has the height of 59 and Width of 60
Setting the splash picture boxes background to transparent
this.Controls.Add(splash); // add the splash picture to the form
This line above will add the splash image to the form.
So when the eggs hit the ground and the splash image shows up we want to reset the egg back to the top so it can fall back, however we don’t want the egg to fall to the same place we want to randomise the location meaning the X and Y positions.
X.Top = rndY.Next(80, 300) * -1; // position the eggs to a random Y location
X.Left = rndX.Next(5, this.ClientSize.Width – X.Width); // position the eggs to a random X location
So when it hits the ground we set the X.TOP = random Y number between 80, 300 now we need to have negative value to them for they go back to top of the screen so we are multiplying the number by -1.
For the x left axis we are randomising the rand X with minimum of 5 and size of the form width. This way it can spawn any where on the screen.
missed++; // add 1 to the missed integer
chicken.Image = Properties.Resources.chicken_hurt; // change the chicken image to hurt image
once all that is done since this was missed egg we add 1 to the missed integer and change the chickens image to the hurt image from the resources.
// if the eggs bound with the chicken image
// if both picture boxes collide
if (X.Bounds.IntersectsWith(chicken.Bounds))
X.Top = rndY.Next(100, 300) * -1; // position the eggs to a random Y location
X.Left = rndX.Next(5, this.ClientSize.Width – X.Width); // position the eggs to a random X location
score++; // add 1 to the score
In the above if statement we are checking if the egg is colliding with the chicken, if so then we once again randomise the eggs location and this time we add 1 to the score for the player
// if the score is equals to or greater than 20
if (score >= 20)
speed = 16; // increase the eggs speed to 20
In the game we want to make it more challenging for the player, so in the if statement above we are checking if score is equals to or greater than 20 then we change the speed to 16. This means the eggs will start to fall faster.
// if the missed number is greater than 5
// we need to stop the game
if (missed > 5)
gameTimer.Stop(); // stop the game timer
// show the message box to say game is over.
MessageBox.Show(“Game Over!! We lost good Eggs” + “\r\n” + “Click OK to restart”);
// once the players clicks OK we restart the game again
In the if statement above its checking if the player has missed more than 5 eggs then we stop the timer, show a message box that says the game is over and they can click OK to restart. Then we are invoking the reset function so the game starts again.
If you are unsure about anything in the function please refer back to the page and check the code from there. Make sure all the brackets and curly brackets are present.
We have one last function to write now, this is the reset function
Lets take a look below
private void reset() { // check all of the controls with this loop // create a control called X and check it in the form components foreach (Control X in this.Controls) { /// if X is a picture box and it has a tag of Eggs if (X is PictureBox && X.Tag == "Eggs") { // we move it to top of the screen X.Top = rndY.Next(80, 300) * -1; // give it a random y location X.Left = rndX.Next(5, this.ClientSize.Width - X.Width); // give it a random x location } } chicken.Left = this.ClientSize.Width / 2; // reset the chicken to middle of the form chicken.Image = Properties.Resources.chicken_normal2; // change the chicken picture to face left score = 0; // set score to 0 missed = 0; // set missed to 0 speed = 8; // set speed to 8 goleft = false; // set go left to false goright = false; // set go right to false gameTimer.Start(); // start the game timer }
By now you should be almost familiar with all of the codes but lets explain it again
// check all of the controls with this loop
// create a control called X and check it in the form components
foreach (Control X in this.Controls)
/// if X is a picture box and it has a tag of Eggs
if (X is PictureBox && X.Tag == “Eggs”)
// we move it to top of the screen
X.Top = rndY.Next(80, 300) * -1; // give it a random y location
X.Left = rndX.Next(5, this.ClientSize.Width – X.Width); // give it a random x location
This is the for loop we are using to randomize the location of the eggs on the form, its simply looking for picture boxes with the tag eggs and it will move them above the form and randomize the X location so it looks like they are falling from random places on the form
chicken.Left = this.ClientSize.Width / 2; // reset the chicken to middle of the form
chicken.Image = Properties.Resources.chicken_normal2; // change the chicken picture to face left
We are moving the chicken to middle of the form and then we are setting image to the left facing one
score = 0; // set score to 0
missed = 0; // set missed to 0
speed = 8; // set speed to 8
goleft = false; // set go left to false
goright = false; // set go right to false
gameTimer.Start(); // start the game timer
We are setting the default values to the variables and lastly starting the timer because without it nothing can be happen EVER.
Now its time to debug click the start button from tool bar
So the eggs are coming down I can move the chicken, it doesn’t cross the boundary either from left or right. Scores going up, misses are going up as well and when I missed more than 5 game stopped also you can see the splash eggs are showing up on the screen.
Game restarts and everything goes back to the default values. If you have followed this tutorial thus far, then well done and keep learning.
Can you make this in WPF please and also how would I implement the foreach loop as WPF does not have this.control. Any advise will help.