Visual Basic Tutorial – Create a system information viewer app
- Subject: Visual Basic Tutorials
- Learning Time: 6 hours
Welcome to our first advanced visual basic tutorial. This will be a long tutorial and we suggest you take your time to understand and implement them as necessary. As we have discussed before visual basic is an old language and it’s not frequently used, however this tutorial demonstrates that it’s a powerful language and you can achieve a stable and reliable application through using it.
We will be creating an advanced system information viewer in this tutorial. Lesson outcomes are:
- Using objects to catch information from Windows core
- Importing system references in visual studio
- Using for loops to gather information about the hardware components
- Show CPU (Central processing Unit) information such as name and speed of it
- Show GPU (Graphical processing unit) information such as name, speed, RAM etc
- Show operating system and user information
- Show RAM(Random Access Memory) information. How much is available to the system
- Show storage information such as hard drive, DVD or any connected USB or network drives
- Save complete information in a text (.TXT) file
- Print the complete information from the application directly
Demo for this app on youtube
Long list, Let’s get started, remember the full code is on page 2 if you get stuck somewhere.
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