Python Tutorial: Shopkeeper App

print("Hello there!")
print("Welcome to my humble shop")
print("Please select the following options")
print("L : for List of items")
global apple
global banana
global bread

apple = 6
banana = 6
bread = 8

userIn = input()

if userIn == "L":
    print("You chose to see the list")
    print("We have ", "Apples: ", apple, " Bananas: ", banana, " Bread: ", bread)
    print("Types the item you want to buy e.g. Apple, Banana etc")
    userIn = input("")
    if userIn == "Apple":
        print("How many", userIn)
        buyThis = int(input())
        apple = int(apple-buyThis)
        print("Thank you, now we have, ", apple, userIn)
    elif userIn == "Banana":
        print("How many", userIn)
        buyThis = int(input())
        banana = int(banana-buyThis)
        print("Thank you, now we have, ", banana, userIn)
    elif userIn == "Bread":
        print("How many", userIn)
        buyThis = int(input())
        bread = int(bread-buyThis)
        print("Thank you, now we have, ", bread, userIn)
    print("Press L CAPITAL L")

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